I started this blog several weeks ago, and I am just now getting around to posting it.
I recently read MWF seeking BFF, by Rachel Bertsche. One of the things I liked best about the book was that it got me thinking about all o the types of friends I have. You know, family that you consider your friends, co-workers, neighbors, "couple" friends, childhood friends, high school friends, college friends, etc. I am really lucky to have so many people in my life that I consider to be true friends. Also, I am proud to say that I have 3 Best Friends! My best friends are all people I met during different stages of my life: (from top-to-bottom) childhood-Joan, junior high-Cheryl, and college-Ashlee. I was lucky enough to be bridesmaids in all of my bff's weddings, and I had them as mine.
Joan and I lived one house over from each other from the time I was about 3 and she was 4. We were inseperable most of our childhood
and we spent our days playing at "the yellow brick road," reading, riding bikes, playing with our babies, and torturing our siblings. As we grew older, we spent a lot of time at Taco Bell and Fashination. We always planned that we would buy houses next to each other and be neighbors forever. It didn't work out exactly as planned, but Joan and I only
live about a mile apart from one another.
Cheryl and I have known each other since 2nd grade, but didn't really get to BFF status until junior high. We bonded over our love of dance and spent countless hours dancing together between the Conrady
live about a mile apart from one another.

dance team, Stagg poms, Dance Club, Stagedoor, or just making up
our own dances. We had many sleepovers, watched scarry movies, and listened to country music, even before it was cool. We were there for each other through many boyfriends, break-ups, and the beginnings of our relationships with our husbands. Thank God we both ended up with the only guys that were approved of by eachother.

Thank-you to ALL of my friends in my life who are always there for me. I might not get to see you as often as I would like, but it always seems like no time has passed when we get together. I love you all!