Thursday, September 26, 2013

End of September

How is it already the end of September? I can't believe it! It really crept up on me. My days have been filled with taking care of and entertaining the kids and working out. Those are my two priorities these days, and I feel like its a pretty good day if I have been successful with both. I am so glad that the weather has been gorgeous so we have been able to be outside almost every day. We just got our swing set completed on Monday, and Kenley loves it! I'm sure Charlie is going to love it too as soon as he is big enough to sit in the bucket swing. I am also lucky at I have so many friends with kids that are able to get together during the week. We have had at least one play date a week, which gives Kenley a chance to play, and me a chance to socialize with my friends!

This weekend Ray and I took our niece, Kayla, Kenley, and Charlie to a little parade and festival. Last week I posted about the idea of having a 3rd child, and we got to see what it would be like to have 3 kids under the age of 3. It was a little hectic at times! Kenley and Kayla were screaming and crying when the fire trucks went by, but I don't blame them. It was soooo loud.  At our house, Kenley was helping /forcing Kayla to walk with her. They are so cute together, and it is fun watching them interact now that Kayla is getting older.

My 31st birthday is tomorrow. We're going to celebrate as a family tomorrow, and on Saturday Ray and I are spending the night in a hotel. I'm excited to go shopping, go out to a nice dinner, and relax! It feels like just yesterday was my 30th birthday. It's been a great year, and I got my wish from last year which was wanting to have another baby. What will I wish for this year? Really, I just want all of my family and friends to be happy and healthy, and I want to enjoy time with them. I want to enjoy my time off of work, and cherish these precious moments with my kids because I know in a blink of an eye they will be grown up. (Tear!)

The month of October I'm planning on going to as many Pumpkin Farms as I can. I already have a few things planned that I know will be fun for me and the kids. I love this time of year because there are so many things to do. We got their  Halloween costumes this week, and they are really cute. That's all for now. I better go run on the treadmill while Charlie is sleeping!

Monday, September 16, 2013

1 month already

Charlie turned 1 month old this week. Ray and I both commented that in some ways it feels like he was just born, but other ways like he's been here forever. I guess that's just the way you should feel about your kids, like they were always meant to be a part of your family.  Our little man already had his 1 month appointment and is 22 inches and 10lbs, 14 oz. I cried a little is week over the fact that he is already a month and I don't want it to go by too fast, knowing it will. With Kenley, it always got me through knowing that we wanted another child and hoping that I would get the  g chance to experience a newborn again, but this time I know it might be our last child. So, I'm just trying to savor every precious moment. So many people have asked me if we are done having kids now that we have 1 girl and 1 boy. It's hard for me to answer that for sure. I always pictured myself only having 2kids, but I still can't totally shut the idea out. I also think that there is a part of me that would always want a baby even if I had 5 kids. So, will we go for number 3? It's too early too tell. And for the record, Ray would totally answer No!

I'm stopped into school Friday and then met up with some of my co-workers. Kenley got to visit with her old babysitter, and I brought Charlie with me.  Then I brought both kids with me to meet up with my friends when school was over. It was nice to see some of my friends, but it has been nice being totally left out of what's going on at school. I don't want to even think about going back yet, or hear about all the changes that I know are happening this year.

Kenley and I are heading to the doctor in a little bit. She woke up Thursday night and threw up ALL over me-twice!  We are talking projectile vomit too. I don't know how It didn't even really phase me too much, but I guess that is part of being a mom. Since then, she has been coughing and really stuffy. I have had the worst sore throat and my body just aches. I kept Kenley home from pre-school today, and we are still in our pjs at 1:30. I have been dozing off on the couch while Charlie sleeps, and Kenley has been watching way too many cartoons. Hopefully, we will be feeling better tomorrow, and I really hope that Charlie doesn't get it.

Ray and I are going to have our first date night out this week while his mom watches the kids. We are getting 70 minute massages! I can not wait, and dreamed about laying on my stomach and getting a deep tissue massage throughout my pregnancy. I am also looking forward to some time with my husband, just the 2 of us.  It seems like we barely have a chance to spend any time together because we have been pretty busy on the weekends, and the week nights are consumed with Charlie's fussy time, trying to eat dinner, get the kids to sleep, and then we go to sleep within minutes after that. Hopefully we will feel recharged from a relaxing night together!