We got back from Cancun on Saturday to another snowstorm and several more inches yesterday. As I was shoveling our driveway yesterday I couldn't help but think that maybe it was just a dream that 48 hours earlier I wore a bathing suit with my toes in the sand. It was an amazing trip and we spent most of it in the sun, at the pool/beach, drinks in our hands, nice dinners, you know, relaxing. Something neither one of us has had much of lately. It was awesome. We did get a little adventurous one day and went parasailing, something I've always wanted to do and Ray never wanted to do, especially since it was really windy the day we went. It was actually his idea, and I know he did it for me since he knew it is something on my bucket list. I also went in the aqua bubble, which was hilarious and really hard! My favorite part of the trip was that Ray and I got to spend it together, just the two of us.

Of course we missed the munchkins and called to talk to Kenley and check on Charlie every day. Thank-you Grandmas for taking such good care of them! I'm pretty sure Kenley had as much fun as we did. She had ballet, a valentine party at preschool, got to go to lunch with her aunt, uncle, and cousins, went shopping, and seems to have learned almost every word to the Frozen soundtrack. Charlie turned 6 months last week, and it sounds like he spent the week eating, playing, and sleeping. Somehow, it seemed like they both aged a month in the 5 days we were gone.

We're back to our regular routine this week, but I guess that's what makes you appreciate a vacation even more. I am proud of myself that I went to the gym every day this week because I guess calories do count when your on vacation :( I am happy that I am wearing some of my old, regular jeans this week. Not my favorite skinny jeans, but at least a pair of jeans with a real zipper and button....it's about time! I'm less an 12 weeks away from my 1/2 marathon, so it's really time to kick it into high gear. I hope I can start running outside once this snow goes away for good, and I can't wait to use my double jogging stroller with the kids once it really warms up. Spring, please come soon!