I am so behind on blogging. I used to at least read other blogs at the end of the night, and then (try) to blog once a week, or at least every other. I've also noticed a lot of the other blogs I read have not been posting as much. I've concluded that it must be because most of us have more than one child by now! But, I still like blogging. I like putting down my memories in words and pictures, and I love looking back at my own blog and reminiscing. I also like when people unexpectedly tell me they read my blog, so thank-you! I can't believe July is basically over! I just want summer to last forever, or at least the warm weather. (Even though it has actually been really cool out for this time of year.)
I started to blog last week, but it was a little hard because my grandpa has been in the hospital, and we have all been worried about him. He is still in the hospital, but he is improving, and he is out of the ICU. It has been hard on the whole family, but especially my grandma. Please send positive thoughts their way!

This week was kind of the kick-off of what will be a full 6 weeks of celebrations, we have parties/weddings every weekend from here to the end of August. We were at a wedding last night, which was really fun. We celebrated Rays 33rd b-day two weeks ago, and had a really good time. We had a nice night away overnight, celebrated with the family, and went to a few really nice dinners.
I've been working a little bit, and now I am preparing for a new job that I will start in August. I am going to be teaching at the community college in our area. I taught there at night before I had Kenley, and I always thought it was the perfect part-time job. I always hoped that maybe there would be a chance of me going back there sometime, and I contacted the department chair a few months ago, and the timing was perfect! I also just found out this week that I may be teaching 2classes instead of just one. I think this could be the perfect opportunity for me to work on a more flexible basis, much closer to home, but still mostly be home with the kids.
Luckily, I will have a lot of other babies to snuggle on this year. My friend, Cheryl, just had a little girl 2 weeks ago, who I can't wait to meet. My friend, Melissa, is due next week with her 3rd child, her first girl. And, my sister will be giving me another niece in November. It's going to be a fun time with all these new babies. Charlie is going to be surrounded by lots of women in his life!