We took the kids out and just kind of had a family date for Valentine's day on Saturday and went to Woodfield mall for some shopping, playing, and lunch. Then, on Sunday, we stayed home and watched movies in our pajamas all day.
We have all been a little sick at some point over the past month, but poor Charlie seems to have gotten the worst of it. I finally took him to the doctor on Tuesday, his 3rd day of fevers, and it turned out that he had ear infections and strep throat! The poor guy has just not been himself for the whole week. He is currently back in bed while Kenley is at school. I did go to work this week while my parents watched the kids, but other than that we have done nothing. I really hope he feels better soon, of course because I hate to see him not feel well, but also because I have been cooped up in the house with him! (As you can see, he was feeling better by the weekend)
Kenley had her valentines day party at school, which Charlie and I missed, but she seemed to have a good time. I'm glad she still got to go. This weekend is the one year anniversary of us moving into our house! I'll never forget the date since it was Friday the 13th, and the day before Valentine's Day. It took a little while for this house to feel like home, but it certainly does now. I can't wait for the weather to warm up again so we can enjoy our backyard. I have loved making our house a home over this past year, and I'm pretty excited to start working on finishing our last bedroom to covert it from "the guest room" to a nursery. We are in the process of picking paint colors for the babies room, and we have already ordered furniture! I can't believe I'm already more than 1/2 way there at 21 weeks pregnant. And, the belly is really starting to come out. It could have something to do with the fact that I've been stuck home all week, so I haven't been able to go to the gym, so I stayed home and ate instead :)
Other than that, one thing I am really excited about is that we have a vacation coming up! It is Ray's 10 year anniversary with his company, and they plan a get-away for employees and spouses. What a great perk!! We were able to get our date re-scheduled because originally we were scheduled to go in early September, which would be really hard having a newborn. So, we just found out we will be going in April! I am pretty excited since it is in Florida, and I know the weather will be nice. I keep day-dreaming about just laying out by the pool/beach during these days when it has been like 2 degrees. I think it will be a great time to go for a little "babymoon" since it will probably be a while before we can take another vacation like that.
I'm excited for my doctor's appointment tomorrow, and I'm having an ultrasound, so Ray will be coming with me to the appointment. I can't wait to get another sneak peak at this baby, (and I really want to confirm that she is a girl!)