Charlie had his last day of 3 year old pre-school, and he celebrated with a party. He had a good year, and he will be going to a new pre-school in the fall. A few weeks ago,Charlie is finishing up his basketball class. I am proud of him for participating in that and t-ball this year, his first two sports classes. He had a few rough moments, but he has progressed with listening and his willingness to try over the last few months. When he first started he would give up the second he couldn't do something and he would become so frustrated. He has really improved, and I hope that this is just the beginning of his interest for sports!
Kenley finished Kindergarten, and her school also celebrated with a party. I was happy that I was able to volunteer for the party, and see her in action with all of her friends she has met this year. She had an amazing school year. She loved her teacher, made so many friends, and has become such a great reader and writer. She also just had her dance recital and performed a tap routine. She did a great job, and she was right up front. She also just accomplished her pullover and backbend in gymnastics, which means she gets to move up to the next level. She is very excited, and it's amazing how much she has improved since she started in January.
Rylee is 11months old! Time is flying, and each month seems to go by faster and faster. In less than 8 weeks, she finally got the hang of full-on crawling, and now she is standing and climbing too. Other than mama and dada, she can say "hi" and loves to greet people including me, family members, or complete strangers. She says "all done" and "shhhhh" I'm sure that last one is directed at her brother and sister :) She is all over the place, and she does not want to be held or contained in any way. This is a bit of an adventure since we have never had a baby at this stage in this house. For now, I am using our coffee table to block off the main living area, but I know it is only a matter of time before we might need some gates. I'm ready to start planning her birthday but I'll have to have a box of tissues by my side.

I ran my 3rd half marathon in May, and it was tough! I'm glad that I did it, and once again, it was good motivation to help me lose weight over these last several months. My whole family was there to cheer me on, and it was great knowing I would see them at certain milestones. Ray and I went to a charity event with our friends, which was a fun night out. We also celebrated Mother's Day a few weeks ago, which was a beautiful day. It was my first mother's day as a mom of 3, and I know I am beyond lucky to have these three kiddos as mine. I also had a garage sale last weekend, which ended up turning into a 2 weekend garage sale. It was a lot of work to get everything together,(thanks to my mom and sister for helping!) but I cleaned out our house and made some extra money, so I can't complain.
We have a lot of celebrations and get-togethers planned throughout the summer, which I am looking forward to. But, I hope summer goes by slow!! I know it will blink and it will be Fall again, so I am going to try to enjoy every day!