Friday, November 4, 2011

Trick or Treat!

Kenley's first Halloween was a lot of fun.  She was with Grandma Kruse during the day, and went to her work with her in costume!  All the doctors and nurses loved her.  Then, Ray and I took her trick-or-treating, just to a few houses and neighbors that we know.  The neighbors all loved seeing her and gave us plenty of candy that Ray and I enjoyed later. I took about a million pictures of our adorable little pink elephant!!  I know next year Kenley will be running up to all the houses and saying, "trick-or-treat" for herself!  Katie and Greg stopped by the house to see Kenley in her costume.  We were all surprised that she didn't seem to mind the huge elephant ears and didn't complain too much about having the thing strapped on her head.

This week I had a rough week at work.  Just the usual things that happen with students getting lazy and not listening, but it just really seems to have escalated the past 2-3 weeks.  I was happy to have parent-teacher conferences tuesday, and today I attended a reading conference.  I think I needed a little break from the classroom.  I saw a quote on somebody's facebook wall that said, "There are 7 billion people in the world, don't let one ruin your day."  I think I'll have to repeat that mantra and not let a few negative student ruin my day. 

Planning for Kenley's 1st birthday is underway!  We just got the invitations and her birthday outfit! We're just going to have the family over for a party, but I have already bought some great decorations and I am planning the rest of the details.  I'm happy to celebrate her 1st amazing year of life, but a little sad too.  To me, she is still my little tiny baby and probably always will be in many ways. 

Ready to enjoy the rest of the weekend.  After this week we have a few busy weekends coming up, and I know things probably won't slow down until after the holidays!  Wow....I better start thinking of gift ideas for everyone!

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