Tuesday, April 24, 2012

My evil twin

Wow, was my Spring Break really only just a little over a week ago? Seems like it is the distant past right about now. I had such a great week off that no matter how work was going I probably would have complained. But, it has bee One Of Those Weeks. I know it prbably seems like I complain about work a lot, and I am starting to realize that I don't like who I am at work. I'm the person in the meeting that I hate. I swear, sometimes it seems like I walk into the building and some other form, a much crabbier, angrier, meaner version of myself. Maybe it is just end of the year spring fever like my students get. all I know is that I will be jumping for joy on June 1st. Needless to say, I haven't gotten any calls for some of the other jobs I have applied for recently, but I did fill out a few more applications. A new "banana cafe"just opened right down the block from our house and I saw they had a person dressed up as a banana dancing around in front. I couldn't help but wonder....
Anyway, the past 2 weeks Ray and I have been trying to implement family walks right after work. It has been a fun way for us to de-stress and spend some fun family time together during the week. I'm also proud of myself for running several times the past few weeks, finally! I need to sign up for a 5k soon. Kenley had been such a chatterbox and learns new words every week. My favorite thing she says is in response to, "what's your favorite color," and she says, "pink!" It is so cute, and I will admit that there may have been some brainwashing on my part for that one. She also likes to say, "up-e-bop" while raising her arms, which is her way of saying "up and down" when we sing the wheels on the bus. I'm pretty sure she is a genius :) So, all of these things have put a smile on my face this week.
 Also, I just realized today is one year of blogging! I'm proud of myself for keeping up with it. Thanks to anyone who has ever read my blog!

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