We are all settling into things a bit these last few days. It's e end of our second week with our new "normal" with Ray at work, Kenley in preschool 2 mornings a week, and me home with the kids. This week was the start of school for all of my friends, and I am so happy not to have back-to school stress. Things have been going really well so far. Of course, there have been moments of chaos where Both kids are crying and I'm not sure who to take care of first, but for the most part there haven't been any major meltdowns (by me, yet.). I have also been very lucky to have many visitors by family and friends and help from my mom and Mother-in-law.
There have been some really sweet moments with Kenley and Charlie, and Kenley has really stepped up to her new role as big sister. She always wants to help give Charlie his bottle or pacifier when he cries. Today, I overheard her saying to him,"It's ok, Charlie. I know, I know." So sweet. Sometimes she wants to snuggle, hug, hold him so much we need to remind her not to smother him. Also, it seems like she is SO big now, which really makes me realize how fast these newborn days will go by. Again, I'm wishing I could freeze to,e so that neither one of them grows any bigger.
The hardest things so far have just been that breast feeding isn't going so well (again) but I'm doing what I can. I'm not getting too down about it like I did with Kenley just because I thought it might be difficult again. Also, as expected, the lack of sleep is a little hard. Charlie has been sleeping about 2-3 hours at a time, but unfortunately not in his crib. Most of the time he has been sleeping in our room, but it is my goal to try to get him in his own room soon. I don't know how he knows the difference, but when he is in our room he sleeps much better. I guess I have also gotten lazy and give up trying to put him in his crib after getting up for the 3rd time in an hour. Other than that, the only other problem is that I only have 2 hands.
I tackled taking both kids out several times. Yesterday, we went to Trader Joes and Kenley thought it was awesome that she got to have her own little kid-sized cart. I only got my ankles ran into about 15 times, but she had fun, Charlie slept, and I left with food, which I consider a success. I also started walking this week and I was able to walk 2 miles and even jog just a tiny bit. I know it helped me burn calories that I was pushing a double stroller! I know it is going to take me a while to lose this weight, but I feel good that I've been able to get started. I'm planning on doing a 5k at the end of October to keep me motivated.
I can't believe it's already the end of August! I guess I spent all summer preparing for Charlie's arrival, and now that he's here it seems like summer has flown by. I hope the weather stays nice as long as possible, especially because we just ordered a swingset for the kids! I'm hoping we get a lot of nice days in the fall and can continue to be outside as much as possible. I am looking forward to putting up my fall decorations, my birthday, picking out the kids Halloween costumes, and going to a few of the pumpkin patches in the area.
I'll finish up by showing a sneak peak of Charlie's first photo session. I love them all!