Thursday, August 1, 2013

Still Pregnant

I'm officially 1 week away from my due date, and counting down the days (hours, minutes...)  I am SO ready, and so are all of my friends and family.  I have gotten so many texts and calls wondering if I am in labor, or anytime I call someone they are hoping it is "the call."  I called Ray at work yesterday and his assistant said he was really busy and asked if he could take a message.  I told him it was me, and he said every time I call now Ray wants him to ask if I'm in labor.  I was disappointed to tell him no, and I know Ray has just been waiting to get a call at work.

We had a very fun, spontaneous weekend and on Saturday we went to the Thunderbolts game.  Ray won tickets at a golf outing and since we didn't have plans, and no labor pains we went.  It was so much fun!  When we first got there, a girl approached us and asked if Kenley would want to deliver the game balls to the umpire and coaches.  We weren't really sure if she would do it, but we said yes anyway.  She got to go out on the field while the players were warming up, played catch with a few, and they announced her name when she delivered the HUGE box of balls.  We had great seats for the game, and I'm glad we went even though it was a very cold day for July.

On Sunday we went to Montana Charlie's just to look around and ended up finding a horse and camel ride.  I really didn't think Kenley would be able to do the camel ride, but she wanted to.  I was a little nervous putting her up there it was really high! She had a very adventurous weekend from one that went from no plans to lots of fun stuff!

Tomorrow Ray and I will be celebrating our 5th wedding anniversary!  I can't believe it has been 5 years and now here we are anxiously awaiting the arrival of our 2nd child.  These were things we only could have wished for 5 years ago when we got married.  We are just planning on going out to dinner with Kenley, and Saturday is my niece Kayla's 1st birthday party.  I wouldn't mind ending the weekend with a trip to the hospital. I was supposed to have a doctor appointment on Wednesday, but it got cancelled last minute.  So, I am going in tomorrow to see what they say.  Let's hope this is the last appointment!  Here is a picture of Charlie's room just waiting for him.  I've peeked in there a few times this week just thinking about him being in there soon. 

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