Pretty ironic that just last week I wrote about my thoughts so far about being at home with the kids. Little did I know that it would lead me into our most challenging week so far. I didn't mention that Charlie had been a bit fussy for a few days. To be honest, he has been more challenging than Kenley as far as having some fussiness with his bottles and many days only cat-napping in between bouts of crankiness. I ended up taking him to the doctor on Friday after he wouldn't eat much at all on Thursday, barely getting any sleep because he cried every hour, and being more cranky than usual as the week went on. The doctor said they didn't see any signs of major sickness except for a bit of a stuffy nose. We decided that I would switch to the gentle formula and try some medicine for acid reflux.
As of now, I don't think that is the problem, but I'm willing to keep trying it until Friday when we go back to the doctor. I think Charlie might just be a little sick, and that is making him not sleep or eat well. I really don't know, is he just colicky, sick, or just a crabby baby? But, it's been a tough 10 days! It's hard to get much done and to give Kenley the attention she deserves when I have to try to calm Charlie down every 45 minutes. It's frustrating and heartbreaking to have your baby screaming and not know how to help him. I'm just trying to stay patient and positive knowing that it will get better, hopefully sooner rather than later. Today, I got about an hour in with him being happy and smiley, which is about the longest stretch we've had lately.
I still took the kids to Ray's work party, and by some miracle, the 2 hour drive it took us to get there wasn't too bad. I was so nervous about driving into the city with them by myself considering that Charlie had been so fussy that night and morning. The only good thing about going .1 mile and hour was that I was able to reach back and feed Charlie and give him his paci in traffic. We had a great time letting Kenley trick-or-treat around his office, and I'm glad we made it there. (Even thought it was literally almost 4 hours in the car for a 1 hour party) I know she is very excited about Thursday to go to her party at school and trick-or-treat around the neighborhood.
In other positive news, I finished the 5k on Saturday in under 34 minutes! Not too bad since Ive only been running for about 8 weeks and for a hilly course. My mom also ran the whole thing, and I am proud of both of us. I'm hoping to stay on the treadmill throughout winter, and I'm looking forward to using our jogging stroller next Spring.
For the record, I'm still glad I am home with my kids, and I wouldn't trade this difficult week for an easy week at work. Honestly, I couldn't imagine how I would function doing both with the minimal hours of sleep I've gotten a few nights. I'm tucking in early tonight and hoping that Charlie lets me get a few hours at a time at least!
*I wrote this on Monday/Tuesday, and I am happy to report that Charlie has been soooo good today. I'm hoping he stays this way! Leads me to think he really was sick with something. Fingers crossed....
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