Kenley turned 3 is week! We had a "a Winter Wonderland" birthday party, and had family & friends over to celebrate. It was so fun watching her open her gifts and blow out her candles like such a big kid. She had a really fun day. Earlier in the week, Ray and I took her to see her very first movie at the theatre, Frozen, and she did great! I was expecting to have to leave before it was over, but she sat right the whole thing, happy as could be with her popcorn and candy. Sunday, her actual birthday we just stayed home because it was snowing and let her play with all her toys. We sang happy birthday at 5:44, and I got in lots of hugs and kisses and told her about the day she was born and how it snowed in the hospital just like it was snowing that day. Monday she celebrated her birthday at school, and she got her first haircut. We went to his adorable kids place, and although there was a huge fit thrown, she finally calmed down and sat in my lap to get her haircut. Afterward, she professed that getting her haircut was "cool and awesome" getting her haircut, and she can't wait to go back.
Charlie turned 4 months old this week, and also got his first haircut! Now, he looks a bit more stylish and less Donald Trumpish with the comb-over. On the positive side, he has been napping a little better, less crabby during the day, and we have even gotten through a few car rides without screaming. Unfortunately, the nights have been terrible. On average he wakes up about 8-10 times a night. Sadly, I am not exaggerating. He is not up very long, but I have to go in his room, give him a few sips of his bottle, replace his paci. It's pretty rough having my sleep interrupted so often. I really don't know what to do, but he has his check-up next week so I will talk to the doctor. He is making lots of noises, gurgles, and really laughs now. He is also squirming around more, and he's getting close to rolling over. I just hope he starts sleeping better ASAP!
I have a lot of Christmas gifts already, but I haven't wrapped one single thing. It's kind of hard to do when Kenley is around since I have a lot of gifts for her, so I will probably try to do some one day while she is at school. I have my Girl's night Christmas party with all of my high school friends on Friday, and next week I have a party with all of my co-workers. I'm looking forward to both of them and catching up with my friends.
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