We celebrated our New Year with our friends Jim and Melissa and their 2 boys. This was our 4th New Year with them, and each year it has grown a little bigger with each of our families growing. We had a good time and even managed to get all 4 kids asleep by about 10:30, and we enjoyed the rest of the night just hanging out and with a toast at midnight. We also started off 2014 with freezing cold and a lot of snow! Temperatures were so cold for a few days we didn't even leave the house. Luckily, before it got extremely cold we were able to take Kenley and my niece sledding. It was really fun even though Kayla was not a fan of the snow. I'm hoping to take Kenley again this week once it warms up a bit.
2013 was a great year for our family. The obvious highlight was welcoming Charlie into our family. My number one memory from the year was when Kenley got to meet and hold Charlie at the hospital. I know I will never forget that moment, and I will reminisce about it for years to come. I can't wait to see what this year has ahead for us as we continue watching the kids grow. I know we have lots of fun to come!
I finally got down our Christmas decorations, and I was half happy half sad to see them go. We had a great holiday season, but I also kind of feel a sense of order back in the house with everything down and the majority of the new toys have found a spot. I'm also ready to get a bit of a head start on some spring cleaning, which isn't quite as overwhelming this year since I have been able to stay much more organized since I'm not working. But, of course, I have a few closets to tackle and drawers to declutter. After all this cold weather, I'm ready for an early Spring, but I won't hold my breath.
Did I mention that I signed up for a half marathon in May? I guess this is the first time I'm going public with it so it's official! I'm really excited and nervous about it, but it's kind of a "bucket list" thing, and I figured I might as well go for it since I am working out regularly, and so I can have a goal to help me lose the rest of the weight I gained during my pregnancy.
Happy New Year Everyone!
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