Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Our normal life

Life is getting back to usual, and it has slowed down the last few weeks.  By slowed down, I really mean there's still a lot going on, but I'm not as crazy with unpacking, decorating, re-organizing things every spare minute.  Now, I'm mostly back to our normal, day-to-day stuff. So, if you're sick of my blogs about our move, I've decided to just focus on some typical things that have happened lately since I have kind of let everything else slip into the background since the move.

Charlie is 19months...almost 20 at this point!  He is on the move, and he's uncontrollable!  He is Mr. Independent, and in many ways he reminds me so much of Kenley at this age.  Everything is, "I try" and "Me too!" and let me tell you he is not happy if he doesn't get it.  He is talking so much, and it is pretty funny to hear all the new words he is learning and the sentences he is forming.  Today he said, "I see a bunny right there!"  (Although, I don't believe there was a bunny in sight) He loves to try to keep up with his older sister, and any older kids, and he's doing a pretty good job at it.  He's obsessed with Bubble Guppies, and he is starting to learn many animal names.  He also likes to be funny, and when you ask him what his name is, he will usually say, "cow".

 I remember 18 months-2 was probably the most challenging time with Kenley in terms of going out, and it seems to be happening again.  We haven't stopped going out because of it, but I am totally "that mom" at the grocery store, restaurants, or pretty much in any public place that gets "the look."  Sometimes it's a sympathetic look of people that understand what it's like, or they feel sorry for me being out with a kid that's having a public meltdown, or sometimes it's the evil eye, like "why did you bring your kid here."  It can be frustrating, but I know it will get easier, and I can't just hole up inside because my kid gets a little crazy every now and then. ( and by that I mean often) 

Kenley is doing great, and she had her Spring Musical at school this week.  It was really cute, and they sang and danced to some Easter songs.  She is very into everything girly, and she loves to dress up, put on make-up, and do "make-overs.'  I have to hide my make-up from her because I have seen some very scary makeovers in the past few weeks. She especially loves to dress up with her cousin, Kayla.  I love that they are girly-girls!  But, of course, they are tough too!

 The past few weeks, my sister I have started switching off weeks, so one week I watch her kids for a few hours, and the next week she watches my kids for a few hours. We always help each other out if needed, but we designated this weekly switch off for us each to have a little "me" time.  So, we each get 2-3 hours every other week to do whatever we want kid-free!  It has been really nice.  And, the key to having all 4 kids by yourself is to keep lots of snacks, cartoons, and toys available.  That, and we usually get lucky and either Charlie or Autumn will nap, sometimes both!

This month, I also put in my official resignation to Morton.  I don't think it is much of a surprise to anyone, and I am happy that it is "official."  I am happy that I still keep in contact with the co-workers that I was close with, and I will be seeing them next week. Teaching at the community college is going great, and I am happy that I will be back to teaching 2 classes again in the fall.  I am truly so very grateful to be home with the kids, and work just a few hours a week. Ray works long days, with a long commute, so I am truly grateful for him.  I am also going to try to help out with the company I worked for last summer with home clean-outs/preparing for estate sales.  I really liked working with them, and it was so flexible.

I also decided to torture myself once again, and I signed up for the half-marathon again in May.  I had it in my mind that I wanted to do it, but now I'm really committed.  Now, I need to actually start running outside!  I am planning my first outdoor long-run of 8-9 miles on Monday.  I figured this will help me get in better shape for the summer!  I am proud of myself though because it has been a year and half since I started working out after Charlie was born, and I have stuck with it!  I go to the gym 4-5 days a week, and now it is just part of our regular routine.  The kids really like the play area/daycare and it helped get us out of the house throughout the winter.

That's about it for a catch-up of what we've been up to (other than the move!)  Toodles!!

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